

布谷鸟搜索算法(Cuckoo Search,CS)



import numpy as npimport scipy.special as sc_specialimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt 便宜香港vps #matplotlib的pyplot模块一般是最常用的,可以方便用户快速绘制二位图表from matplotlib import cm #matplotlib是python最著名的绘图库from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D #3D绘图””” Cuckoo search function ————————————————— Input parameters: n: 巢的数量 m: 维数 fit_func: 适用度函数 lower_boundary: 下边界 upper_boundary: 上边界 iter_num: 迭代次数 (默认: 100) pa: 被宿主发现蛋的概率 (default: 0.25) beta:与问题规模相关的步长比例因子 (note: 1 < beta < 2) (default: 1.5) step_size: 与问题规模相关的步长比例因子 (default: 0.1) Output: 最佳解决方案及值”””#绘制图像def plot_3d(ax): x = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1) #在指定的间隔内返回均匀间隔的数字 y = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1) x,y = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = 3*(1-x)**2*np.e**(-x**2-(y+1)**2) – 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*np.e**(-x**2-y**2) – (np.e**(-(x+1)**2-y**2))/3 ax.plot_surface(x,y,z,rstride=1,cstride=1,cmap=cm.coolwarm)# rstride:行之间的跨度 cstride:列之间的跨度,cmap是颜色映射表 ax.set_zlim(-10,10) ##坐标系的下边界和上边界 ax.set_xlabel(‘x’) ax.set_ylabel(‘y’) ax.set_zlabel(‘z’) plt.pause(3) #延时 plt.show() #显示def fit_func(nest): x, y = nest return 3*(1-x)**2*np.e**(-x**2-(y+1)**2) – 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*np.e**(-x**2-y**2) – (np.e**(-(x+1)**2-y**2))/3#计算适应度def calc_fitness(fit_func, nests): n, m = nests.shape fitness = np.empty(n) for each_nest in range(n): fitness[each_nest] = fit_func(nests[each_nest]) return fitness#主要过程def cuckoo_search(n, m, fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, iter_num = 100,pa = 0.25, beta = 1.5, step_size = 0.1): # 得到最初蛋的位置 nests = generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary) fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests) # 得到最好的巢的位置并更新 best_nest_index = np.argmax(fitness) best_fitness = fitness[best_nest_index] best_nest = nests[best_nest_index].copy() for _ in range(iter_num): nests = update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_size) nests = abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa) fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests) x=np.empty((n, 1)) y=np.empty((n, 1)) z=np.empty((n, 1)) for i in range(20): x[i],y[i]=nests[i] z=3*(1-x)**2*np.e**(-x**2-(y+1)**2) – 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*np.e**(-x**2-y**2) – (np.e**(-(x+1)**2-y**2))/3 if ‘sca’ in locals(): sca.remove() sca = ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=’black’, marker=’o’); plt.show(); plt.pause(0.1) #ax.scatter特征值散点图 max_nest_index = np.argmax(fitness) max_fitness = fitness[max_nest_index] max_nest = nests[max_nest_index] if (max_fitness > best_fitness): best_nest = max_nest.copy() best_fitness = max_fitness return (best_nest, best_fitness)#生成巢穴位置def generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary): lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary) #转成矩阵形式 upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary) nests = np.empty((n, m)) #生成n行m列的数组 for each_nest in range(n): nests[each_nest] = lower_boundary + np.array([np.random.rand() for _ in range(m)]) * (upper_boundary – lower_boundary) #生成在[-3,3]范围内的下x,y的n个样本,即20*2的矩阵 return nests#获取新的巢穴位置并用好的替换掉旧的不好的def update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_coefficient): lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary) upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary) n, m = nests.shape # 使用莱维飞行产生步长 steps = levy_flight(n, m, 1.5) new_nests = nests.copy() for each_nest in range(n): # coefficient 0.01 is to avoid levy flights becoming too aggresive # and (nest[each_nest] – best_nest) could let the best nest be remained step_size = step_coefficient * steps[each_nest] * (nests[each_nest] – best_nest) step_direction = np.random.rand(m) new_nests[each_nest] += step_size * step_direction # apply boundary condtions new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] new_fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, new_nests) nests[new_fitness > fitness] = new_nests[new_fitness > fitness] return nests#卵被丢弃寻找新巢def abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa): lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary) upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary) n, m = nests.shape for each_nest in range(n): if (np.random.rand() < pa): step_size = np.random.rand() * (nests[np.random.randint(0, n)] – nests[np.random.randint(0, n)]) nests[each_nest] += step_size # apply boundary condtions nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] return nests#计算莱维飞行def levy_flight(n, m, beta): sigma_u = (sc_special.gamma(1+beta)*np.sin(np.pi*beta/2)/(sc_special.gamma((1+beta)/2)*beta*(2**((beta-1)/2))))**(1/beta) sigma_v = 1 u = np.random.normal(0, sigma_u, (n, m)) v = np.random.normal(0, sigma_v, (n, m)) steps = u/((np.abs(v))**(1/beta)) #steps为20*2的矩阵 return steps#主函数if __name__==’__main__’: fig = plt.figure() #绘制背景图 ax = Axes3D(fig) plt.ion()#将画图模式改为交互模式,程序遇到plt.show不会暂停,而是继续执行 plot_3d(ax) best_nest, best_fitness = cuckoo_search(25, 2, fit_func, [-3, -3], [3, 3], step_size = 0.4) print(‘最大值为:%.5f, 在(%.5f, %.5f)处取到!’%(best_fitness, best_nest[0], best_nest[1])) plt.ioff() #将画图交互模式关闭 plot_3d(ax)


