
MySQL 英文排序入门指南(mysql英文排序)

MySQL is a popular relational database management system that is frequently used in web development. It can handle a wide variety of tasks, including sorting and ordering data to quickly and accurately retrieve information. There are various ways of sorting data in MySQL, and one of the most common is to sort data alphabetically.

In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to sort data alphabetically in MySQL. Specifically, we’ll discuss how to do an English alphabetical sort in MySQL. This will involve sorting strings (strings of text) in an English alphabetical order, i.e. from A to Z. We’ll also discuss how to reverse the order of the results and how to sort multiple columns.

To begin, we’ll need a sample table. In this example, we’ll use a table called “users” with the following structure:

first_name VARCHAR(255),
last_name VARCHAR(255)

Now let’s say we want to sort the users by their last name alphabetically. To do this, we’ll use the ORDER BY clause, like so:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name;

This will sort the users in ascending order: from the users whose last name starts with an A, to those whose last name starts with a Z. If you want to reverse the order and sort from Z to A, you can add the DESC keyword at the end of the query, like so:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name DESC;

We can also sort multiple columns. Let’s say we want to sort the users by last name, and then by first name. We can do this:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name, first_name;

This query will sort the results first by last name in an ascending order and then by first name in an ascending order. We can also reverse the order of the results by using the DESC keyword:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name DESC, first_name DESC;

We can also sort data using case sensitivity. By default, MySQL is case insensitive, which means it will treat “MySQL”, “mysql” and “Mysql” as the same string. We can force MySQL to sort data by case by adding the BINARY keyword, like so:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY BINARY last_name;

This query will sort the users in an English alphabetical order taking case into consideration, i.e. it will sort the strings “MySQL”, “mysql” and “Mysql” as three different strings.

Sorting data alphabetically in MySQL can help you quickly retrieve information from your database. In this tutorial, we discussed how to do an English alphabetical sort in MySQL, as well as how to reverse the order and how to sort multiple columns. We also discussed how to sort data using case sensitivity. With this information, you should have a good foundation for sorting data alphabetically in MySQL.
